Drinking yourself into Wizardry is magical.
For those of you uninitiated , this is when you Duct tape a finished, empty bear can to the bottom of your current beer.
drinking from the top beer with the empties you have collected taped to the bottom..
...Then proceed to drink yourself a wizard Staff.
As far as I can tell there are a few levels that you pass along the way as your beer staff grow. All depending on how tall you are.
Level one - tall boy 1-3 beers
level 2 - hobbit cane 4-6 beers
Level 3- Pimp Stick 7-10
Level 3 - Full fledged Drunken Magical Wizard 11+
Square Business!! -( not to be confused with "Swear business" which is the business of selling Swear/Curse words-)
Good Luck my young